Catholic World News

Notre-Dame Cathedral reopens, 5 years after fire

December 10, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The Cathedral Basilica of Notre-Dame de Paris reopened on December 7, five years after a devastating fire. Archbishop Laurent Ulrich presided at the first Mass in the reopened cathedral on the following day (videos).

“We all still remember the terrible fire that seriously compromised the building five years ago,” Pope Francis wrote in a message, dated November 21 and released December 7.

“Our hearts ached at the risk of seeing a masterpiece of Christian faith and architecture, an age-old witness to your national history, disappear,” the Pope continued. “Today, sadness and mourning have given way to joy, celebration and praise.”

After thanking the firefighters, craftsmen, and public officials, the Pope added:

May the rebirth of this admirable church be a prophetic sign of the renewal of the Church in France. I invite all the baptized who will joyfully enter this Cathedral to feel a legitimate sense of pride, and to reclaim their faith heritage.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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