Catholic World News

Papal praise for Hindu spiritual leader’s legacy, call to promote common values

December 02, 2024

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis received swamis from Sivagiri Mutt, a Hindu pilgrimage site in Kerala, India, as they took part in a conference marking the 100th anniversary of Narayana Guru’s first All Religions’ Conference.

“Sree Narayana Guru dedicated his life to promoting a social and religious awakening by his clear message that all human beings, regardless of their ethnicity or their religious and cultural traditions, are members of the single human family,” the Pope said on November 30. “He insisted that there should be no discrimination against anyone in any way and at any level. His message is pertinent to our world today.”

“As followers of our respective religious traditions, we ought always to cooperate with all people of good will in promoting a culture of respect, dignity, compassion, reconciliation and fraternal solidarity,” the Pope continued. “In this way, we can help to defeat the culture of individualism, exclusion, indifference and violence that sadly is spreading.”

The Pope added, “Drawing from the spiritual truths and values that we have in common, yet firmly rooted in and committed to our own religious beliefs and convictions, may we walk together and work together to build a better humanity!”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Dec. 05, 2024 9:49 PM ET USA

    Am I reading Teilard de Chardin? What can it mean "to build a better humanity"? Is this a slogan, like "build back better"? Or is it shaking the fist at God: "we can do better than you in remaking humanity"? A "better humanity" sounds like biological evolution. It raises the same question that I ask those who buy into that guessing game: What is the next stage of human evolution, as predicted by presumed random mutations? How do you define a "better humanity"? Why not just say "better behavior"?