Catholic World News

Jerusalem cardinal presents new Arabic translation of the Bible

November 29, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, OFM, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, presented a new Arabic translation of the Bible at the Basilica of Santa Maria Regina degli Apostoli alla Montagnola in Rome.

The basilica is entrusted to the Society of Saint Paul, which has published the translation. The announcement took place on November 26, the memorial of Blessed James Alberione, the Society’s founder.

“There is no evangelization without the Word of God, and the Word of God, commented on in a new manner, in Arabic, for Arabs, is a formidable tool for making Jesus known, especially at this time when such hate-filled language is being used,” said Cardinal Pizzaballa. “The Word of God, on the other hand, opens horizons that always renew life: this is what we need most at this time.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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