Catholic World News

Texas nuns dismissed from Carmelite order

October 29, 2024

» Continue to this story on Fort Worth diocese

CWN Editor's Note: The sisters of a troubled religious community in Arlington, Texas, have been dismissed from the Carmelite order, in the latest step of their dispute with Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth.

Each member of the Arlington monastery received a letter from Mother Marie of the Incarnation, who had been named by the Vatican as acting superior of the community, informing them of their dismissal. The letter said that the disciplinary action was “something you have crafted for yourself by your own free choices; it is not something done to you by me, nor by anyone else.”

In a statement announcing the dismissal, Bishop Olson repeated his directive that the faithful should not attend Mass or other services at the Arlington monastery, nor offer the nuns financial support.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Oct. 30, 2024 10:58 PM ET USA

    Eleven years of division, not unity, in the Church: these nuns, other nuns, the Chinese "underground" Church vs. the "official" sinicized church, individual bishops, individual priests, individual cardinals, Catholic professors and theologians, the 1962 Roman Missal vs. the frequently-modified 1970 Roman Missal, an African bishops conference vs. Western bishops conferences, divisive synods where laymen & religious can trump bishops, outrageous claims in encyclicals and other official documents,