Jesuit journalist raps Pope's attitude toward same-sex marriage
May 19, 2010
A prominent American Jesuit journalist has characterized Pope Benedict XVI's statements on abortion and same-sex marriage as "bizarre."
Father James Martin of the weekly magazine America said that the Pontiff's comments in Portugal, identifying same-sex marriage as a leading threat to society, were at odds with a Christian approach to the issue.
In an article contrasting the treatment of same-sex couples who attempted to enter their children in Catholic schools in Denver and in Boston, Father Martin said that the Denver archdiocese had been wrong to reject the child, while the Boston archdiocese took "a wise and pastoral approach" by deciding ultimately that the child of a lesbian couple should be admitted into a parochial school. The Boston decision, he said, "stands in contrast to the increasingly heated language coming from church leaders on the topic of same-sex marriage."
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Posted by: sarsok8679 -
May. 19, 2010 11:12 PM ET USA
Homosexuals do not put children into Catholic schools so they get a good Catholic education.. they put them there to get acceptance for their life style and stir controversy. Otherwise they would not be together in the first place if they wanted to be good Catholics. Do you suppose Martin would like to see children of members of the KKK in Catholic schools?
Posted by: Lucius49 -
May. 19, 2010 9:43 PM ET USA
It is a shame that Fr. Martin, a Jesuit, does not understand the Pope's remarks upholding Christian morality. Vatican II called abortion an "unspeakable crime" and the attempt to promote same-sex marriage is to undermine the social fabric of society. The nuclear family is the basic unit of that society. I don't see anything pastoral about Boston's approach since there seems to be no concern about the same-sex individuals who are in an immoral union in which a child is being raised. This is an op
Posted by: mrschips19308196 -
May. 19, 2010 9:35 PM ET USA
I stand with our Holy Father.May the Holy Spirit grant us his gifts on Pentacost, especially fortitude.
Posted by: TheJournalist64 -
May. 19, 2010 8:50 PM ET USA
Bizarre is the term we apply to people who attack the foundations of social and religious order. Martin is a disgrace to his order.