Michigan ranked last among US states on religious freedom
October 28, 2024
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CWN Editor's Note: Michigan is the least friendly state for religious organizations, and Alabama is the friendliest, according to rankings released by the Napa Legal Institute.
The Institute’s second Faith and Freedom Index finds that “many states including Massachusetts, Michigan and Washington over-burden and are even hostile towards faith-based nonprofits.” Michigan—whose constitution still includes a Blaine Amendment, similar to the Montana statute that was ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court in 2020—scored only 32% on the Napa scale. Washington scored 35%, Massachusetts 38%. The Napa report explained that these states “feature both complicated regulatory regimes and only minimal protections for faith-based nonprofits.”
Alabama, with a 72% score, earned the highest grade from Napa, followed by Indiana, Texas, and Kansas.
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