Catholic World News

Pope delivers pro-natal message at Mass in East Timor

September 10, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: “How wonderful that here in East Timor there are so many children,” Pope Francis said during a homily preached at an outdoor Mass on September 10.

Speaking to an enormous congregation estimated at 600,000—nearly half the population of the little country—the Pope cited the words of the prophet Isaiah, saying that Israel would be redeemed not by force of arms but “through the gift of a son.” The birth of a child is always an occasion for joy, he said.

At the conclusion of the Mass—at which he presided, but was not the principal celebrant of the Eucharistic liturgy—the Pontiff returned to the pro-natal theme, warning in extemporaneous remarks that the people of East Timor should beware of foreign influences that “want to change your culture, want to change your history.”

“I hope you continue to have many children,” the Pope concluded.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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