Catholic World News

Ukrainian monastery abbot drafted for military duty

September 03, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The abbot of an Orthodox monastery in Ukraine has been drafted into the country’s army and ordered to report for training.

Archimandrite Varlaam Didenko, who has been the abbot of Holy Transfiguration monastery in Tereblia, reported on August 31 that he was sent to a training center. His monastic community is part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, historically affiliated with the Moscow patriarchate, which has been under heavy pressure from the Ukrainian government since the Russian invasion.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Sep. 03, 2024 2:21 PM ET USA

    If you needed more evidence about whether NATO or Russia is morally superior in this conflict that was started by NATO in 2009, look no further than the assault against Christian clergy by the government in Kiev. Archimandrite Didenko may be on his way to the NATO meatgrinder in eastern Ukraine.