Catholic World News

At Baptism, Jesus receives ‘fullness of the gift of the Spirit,’ Pope says

August 21, 2024

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: Continuing his series of catechetical talks on the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis spoke to his general audience on August 21 about the Baptism of Jesus.

“The entire Trinity met at that moment, on the banks of the Jordan,” the Pope remarked. He went on to say that the Baptism caused an important change:

Jesus is filled with the Holy Spirit ever since the first moment of His incarnation. However, this was a “personal grace”, incommunicable; now, instead, with this anointment, He receives the fullness of the gift of the Spirit, but for His mission which, as the head, He will communicate to His body, which is the Church, and to every one of us.

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