Catholic World News

More members of US religious institutes are over 85 than under 65, report finds

July 24, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The 476 religious institutes in the US that benefit from the US bishops’ Retirement Fund for Religious collection have more members who are over 85 (8,313) than under 65 (6,272), according to a new report published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The 357 women’s institutes and 119 men’s institutes have far more members who are 70 and above (20,571) than under 70 (7,753), according to the report. While the institutes collectively have more women (21,517) then men (6,807) who are members, there are more men than women under 40.

The report includes data only from the 476 religious institutes assisted by the retirement fund; these institutes have a total of 28,324 members. The religious institutes in the United States that do not participate in the program have an additional 21,939 members.

Since the first collection took place in 1988, Catholics in the United States have contributed over $1 billion to the fund ($1,004,766,087), including $29,283,128 in 2023.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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