Catholic World News

Vatican newspaper editor calls for Christian meekness in political life

July 19, 2024

» Continue to this story on L'Osservatore Romano (Italian)

CWN Editor's Note: Reflecting on the Pope’s recent address on democracy, as well as the “murderous violence” that “exploded a few days ago in the USA,” the editor-in-chief of L’Osservatore Romano appealed to Christians in political life to engage in the logic of “political love,” rather than the “logic of friend-enemy.”

“The Christian is called to propose another style, which makes time prevail over space, which is therefore ‘radically moderate’, not to introduce a ‘moderation,’ as if it were an ideology opposed to the others, but precisely as a style that makes meeting, listening and dialogue its raison d’être,” Andrea Monda wrote in his editorial.

“It is the radical nature of the Gospel that requires Christians to be meek—a more correct word than ‘moderate’—men who, with passion and tenacity, believe that the path of dialogue can heal the wounded heart of democracy,” he added.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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