Catholic World News

Members of Council of Cardinals hear presentations from women

June 20, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The members of the Pope’s nine-member advisory Council of Cardinals have concluded a two-day meeting, during which they heard presentations by two women.

Following an introduction by Sister Linda Pocher, the Council of Cardinals heard presentations by Professors Valentina Rotondi (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland) and Donata Horak (Studio Teologico Alberoni). The Vatican newspaper reported that Rotondi “highlighted a vision of the economy as care and good management in the context of a profound intergenerational relationship.”

Horak, who teaches canon law, “highlighted various antinomies, such as justice and mercy, consultative power and deliberative power, hierarchical principle and ecclesiology of communion, democratization and a monarchical model, in the context of a broader reflection on canon law.”

The members of the Council of Cardinals then discussed these themes. In addition, Cardinal Sean O’Malley and Cardinal Oswald Gracias spoke about the protection of minors, and the council as a whole discussed world conflicts.

The council’s next meeting is scheduled for December.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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