Catholic World News

Vatican newspaper describes 2023 as annus horribilis for war

June 12, 2024

» Continue to this story on L'Osservatore Romano (Italian)

CWN Editor's Note: In the most prominent front-page article in its June 11 edition, the Vatican newspaper described 2023 as an annus horribilis [horrible year] for the number of its armed conflicts.

Citing a paper by the Peace Research Institute Oslo, Valerio Palombaro reported that “2023 was the year with the highest number of conflicts since 1946: 59 spread across 34 countries,” with the last three years “the bloodiest in terms of number of victims since the end of the Cold War.”

“The current year 2024 also promises to be particularly bloody,” added Palombaro, referring to conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan.

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