Catholic World News

Harmony, communion, joy: Pope encourages church choirs

June 11, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis received participants in the 4th International Meeting of Choirs in the Vatican, who were in Rome for a three-day conference.

“I want to draw your attention to three essential aspects of your service: harmony, communion, and joy,” the Pope told the participants, who had gathered in Paul VI Audience Hall.

In reflecting on joy, he said, “It will be good for you to maintain the lofty spiritual tenor of your vocation through prayer and meditation on the word of God, participating in the liturgies you animate not only with your voices but also with your minds and hearts, and by enthusiastically living your daily lives accordingly, so that your music may increasingly be a joyful self-offering to God, who with his love attracts, enlightens, and transforms everything.”

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