Catholic World News

Papal message to German Catholics emphasizes Jesus’ mission, calls for political action

May 30, 2024

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office (German)

CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis has written a message for the 103rd Katholikentag, a Catholic convention that is taking place in Erfurt from May 29 to June 2.

The theme of the convention is “The man of peace has a future.” In reflecting on the theme, the Pope wrote that “the tragedy of man from the very beginning is that he does not trust God, but distrusts him; that he does not do what pleases God, but goes his own way,” introducing suffering and death into the world. Young people, the Pope continued, “sense that something is wrong with people and with the world, that we cannot simply carry on as before, that we need to turn around and reorient ourselves.”

“The mission of Jesus was entirely dedicated to this reorientation of people towards God—and thus also to a renewal and healing of their relationships with their fellow human beings, with creation and, not least, with themselves,” the Pope wrote. “We Christians are called to continue his mission: like him, we want to give new respect to abandoned, excluded and lonely people and let them experience that they are not alone.”

“But we also want to work publicly, politically, for better living conditions and give a voice in particular to those who are not heard,” he added. “Without justice there is no peace. Not only in Europe, but also in other parts of the world, fundamental human rights currently seem to be under threat: through increasing anti-Semitism, racism and other ideologies that tend towards extremism and violence.”

The Pope said that “concern for nature, justice towards the poor, commitment to society, protection of life and the family” are all connected. “Accordingly, a broad, multi-voiced dialogue is needed at all levels of social, economic and political life.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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