Open your hearts to encounter Jesus, Pope tells pilgrims
April 08, 2024
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CWN Editor's Note: During his April 7 Regina Caeli address, Pope Francis reflected on the Gospel reading of the day (John 20:19-31), and particularly on the meaning of the phrase, “to have life.”
“This is how to ‘have life’ every day: it is enough to fix one’s eyes on the crucified and risen Jesus, encountering Him in the sacraments and in prayer, recognizing that He is present, believing in Him, letting oneself be touched by His grace and guided by His example, experiencing the joy of loving like Him,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
He added, “Let us ask ourselves, though: do I believe in the power of the resurrection of Jesus, do I believe that Jesus is risen? Do I believe in His victory over sin, fear and death? Do I let myself be drawn into a relationship with the Lord, with Jesus? And do I let myself be prompted by Him to love my brothers and sisters, and to hope every day? Each one of you, think about this.”
“May Mary help us to have ever greater faith in Jesus, in the risen Jesus, to ‘have life’ and to spread the joy of Easter,” the Pontiff concluded.
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