Catholic Relief Services linked to contraception, condoms
March 06, 2024
» Continue to this story on Lepanto Institute
CWN Editor's Note: Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the international charity founded by the US bishops’ conference, has engaged in “promoting condoms and contraception as well as implementing health referral networks that included abortion” in Africa, according to a study conducted jointly by the Lepanto Institute and Population Research Institute.
At a March 6 press conference, the two groups offered a 120-page report, based on documents obtained from the federal government, showing the involvement of CRS in US aid programs in Cameroon, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe. The partnerships with government programs, the report concludes, “requires CRS to make grave moral compromises, not to say completely abandon its Catholic identity, in favor of a pose as a secular NGO.”
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Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Mar. 06, 2024 6:42 PM ET USA
CRS has been a puppet of the U.S. government for as far back as I can remember. About a decade ago, a notification was posted at the entrance to a local parish that CRS does not abide in Catholic truth and should therefore be shunned. From abortion to contraception to human trafficking to anti-Catholic witness, informed Catholics have avoided financial support for this NGO for at least the last 2 decades. Another blight on the Catholic Church under the guise of a charity, this NGO is a scandal.