Papal preacher takes to social media during Lent
February 23, 2024
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CWN Editor's Note: The Vatican, on its social media accounts, has been releasing two-minute Lenten reflections in Italian and Spanish by Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap, the preacher of the papal household since 1980,
“In the world there are few words capable of being said in one minute that are enough to fill a day and, in fact, a life: those that come from the mouth of Jesus,” Cardinal Cantalamessa said in the first video.
For decades, Cardinal Cantalamessa has customarily preached sermons to the Pope and members of the Roman Curia on Fridays during Advent and Lent, with one exception. On Friday of the First Week of Lent in 2020, Father Marko Rupnik substituted for Cantalamessa, even though judges in a canonical proceeding, just two months earlier, had unanimously found Rupnik guilty of absolving an accomplice in a sin against the Sixth Commandment.
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