Catholic World News

Argentine bishops decline government payments for clergy

February 02, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The Catholic bishops of Argentina have chosen to renounce stipends that the country’s government has been paying to clerics since 1979.

A spokesman for the episcopal conference said that in turning down this form of government support, which had furnished about 10% of the Church’s revenue, the bishops had acted on the “understanding that the Church must be funded by its own members.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Feb. 04, 2024 8:28 AM ET USA

    Just when you might have thought that nothing good could come out of Argentine Catholicism, we read about a Catholic decision to partially embrace the Catholic principle of subsidiarity by rejecting government funding of religious persons. Although the Argentine Church still continues to feed from the government trough in other ways, this one small step ought to serve as an example to the West that subsidiarity is better aligned with the teachings of Christ than subservience and groveling are.