Catholic World News

Pope stricken with bronchitis again

January 12, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: On January 12, Pope Francis told French Catholic communicators would not read his prepared remarks because “I have a bit of bronchitis and I can’t speak well.”

The Pope made his apology at the last in a long series of (seven) private audiences he held on Friday. He had read statements at the other audiences.

In his prepared text the Pope said that the work of Catholic communicators is particularly valuable today. “The men and women of our time thirst for God, they seek an encounter with Him and they seek Him also through you,” he said.

Pope Francis has suffered several recent bouts with illness in the past year. In March 2023 he was hospitalized briefly with what Vatican officials described as bronchitis, but the Pope himself later said was “acute pneumonia.” In late November another attack of “very acute, infectious bronchitis” prompted him to cancel plans for a trip to Dubai, and in the following days he frequently asked an aide to read his formal remarks.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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