Catholic World News

Pope, at general audience, reflects on ‘the spiritual striving’

January 03, 2024

At his January 3 general audience, held in Paul VI Audience Hall, Pope Francis spoke on “the spiritual striving,” the second talk in a series of Wednesday general audiences devoted to the virtues and vices.

“In our catechesis on the virtues and the vices opposed to them, we have seen that the Christian life involves a constant struggle to resist sin and to grow in holiness,” the Pontiff said, in the words of the Vatican’s summary of his remarks. “Jesus, himself sinless, submitted to baptism by John and was tempted in the desert, in order to teach us the need for spiritual rebirth, conversion of mind and heart, and unfailing trust in God’s mercy and sustaining grace.”

The summary continued:

May our weekly reflections on the virtues and vices help us to imitate the Lord’s example, to grow in wisdom and self-understanding, and to discern between good and evil. As we advance in the knowledge and practice of the virtues, may we come to experience the joy of closeness to God, the source of all good, authentic happiness and the fullness of eternal life.

Previous audience in series:


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