Catholic World News

God’s justice is indissolubly united with mercy: papal message to canon lawyers

December 04, 2023

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis sent a message to the president of the Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici Promovendo (International Association for Promoting the Study of Canon Law) as the organization commemorated its 50th anniversary.

“All the ecclesial dimensions and structures must carry out a pastoral and missionary conversion in order to bring to the world the only thing it needs: the Gospel of the mercy of Jesus,” Pope Francis wrote in his December 1 message. “Being pastoral does not mean that the norms can be set aside, and one should orient oneself as one wishes, but that in applying them one must ensure that the Christifideles [Christ’s faithful] find in them the presence of the merciful Jesus, who does not condemn, but exhorts not to sin anymore because he gives grace.”

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