‘We don’t have an agenda’ for Synod on synodality, Cardinal Grech says in new interview
May 30, 2023
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CWN Editor's Note: Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, told EWTN that issues like same-sex marriage, abortion, and women’s ordination are being put “on the back burner, as they are not issues that should be tackled by this particular synodal assembly” on synodality.
“If we enter into those issues at this particular moment, we will miss a golden opportunity, a moment of grace, a reflection on how we can really help the Church to become more synodal and create those spaces where all the members of the people of God, under the leadership and the guidance of their pastors, can really contribute to evangelization,” he said.
Cardinal Grech also distanced the Synod on synodality from Germany’s Synodal Way. “It is not a synod in Germany, he said. “It’s a synodal journey. A synodal way, they call it. Canonically it is neither a diocesan nor a national synod, as far as I know. They are two different ecclesial experiences.”
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