Catholic World News

Archbishop Chaput denounces Catholic groups that supported Senate bill

March 23, 2010

Denver's Archbishop Charles Chaput has charged that the political actions of groups like Catholics United-- and, even more seriously, the Catholic Health Association-- did serious damage to the pro-life cause by supporting the Senate version of the health-care reform bill, which allowed for funding of abortions. The legislation, he said, "remains unethical and defective on all of the issues pressed by the U.S. bishops and prolife groups for the past seven months."


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  • Posted by: extremeCatholic - Mar. 23, 2010 11:25 PM ET USA

    What's missing from the column is a remedy. Does Archbishop Chaput think it starts and ends with a letter of criticism from the pro-life committee of the USCCB to the CHA? It's back to business as usual for the American bishops. It's the same attitude the English bishops had after Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy (but for Saint John Fisher).

  • Posted by: voxfem - Mar. 23, 2010 7:23 PM ET USA

    Do the bishops have authority over the CHA affiliated health care institutions in their dioceses? If so, I hope each bishop concerned takes action.

  • Posted by: marianjohn7861 - Mar. 23, 2010 7:02 PM ET USA

    In times past the church was comfortably aligned with labor unions and liberal politicians. Liberal politicians have since embraced the new feminists, elitists, statists, those for practicing sex outside of marriage, embryonic stem cell, etc. The internet has provided the people in the pews with info on where the bishops conference spends our donations, who they are aligned with lobbying to further the social justice agenda. I wish they would shrink their organization to evangelization.

  • Posted by: BLRallo3059 - Mar. 23, 2010 6:41 PM ET USA

    When, oh when, will we understand that the days of reasonably honest politicians are OVER? This so-called law is nothing more than a power grab and those of us who still have consciences are irrelevant to those who want more and more and more of what we earn. Babies? Pshaw! They can't vote or earn. Their only use is to be molded by the state for future gain by -- guess who? This is persecution and to regard it as anything else is short-sighted, to say the least.

  • Posted by: - Mar. 23, 2010 5:59 PM ET USA

    Archbishop Chaput may be right in identifying traitors to the Catholic cause, but he needs to complete his analysis and recognize that these heterodox "Catholic" groups only exist and flourish because the American Bishops have allowed it. The decades of tolerance of Catholic dissidents has finally come home to roost and produced what just passed as Health Care. When no one suffers consequences, why should we be surprised when bad behavior continues? The Bishops are primarily to blame.