Catholic World News

US bishops’ conference allows lesbian foster parent

July 15, 2022

» Continue to this story on Washington Post

CWN Editor's Note: The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has allowed for a foster child to be placed with an unmarried lesbian woman.

Kelly Easter, a single woman living in Tennessee, had filed a discrimination suit against Bethany Christian Services, charging that she had been told that USCCB rules prohibited placing children in homosexual households. (The USCCB provides funding for Bethany.) But the USCCB chose not to defend against the suit.

The Washington Post reports:

In a February letter to Bethany, obtained by The Washington Post, the USCCB characterized the dispute as a misunderstanding and said it does not prohibit single gay people from fostering because of their sexual orientation.
A USCCB policy barring the placement of foster children in the households of married same-sex couples apparently still stands.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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