Asian bishops’ leader condemns Cardinal Zen’s arrest, decries crackdown in Hong Kong
May 16, 2022
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CWN Editor's Note: Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Myanmar, the president of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, condemned the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong.
As he called for prayers, Cardinal Bo said that “Hong Kong used to be one of Asia’s freest and most open cities. Today, it has been transformed into a police state. Freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and association, and academic freedom have all been dismantled.”
“I am aware of recent propaganda attacks against the Church in pro-Beijing media in Hong Kong, and of growing self-censorship among religious leaders due to the circumstances” he added. “To see a city that was a beacon for freedom, including religious freedom, move so radically and swiftly down a much darker and more repressive path is heartbreaking. To see a government in China break its promises made in an international treaty, the Sino-British Joint Declaration, so repeatedly and blatantly, is appalling.”
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