Pope-emeritus Benedict corrects error in report on Munich abuse case
January 24, 2022
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CWN Editor's Note: Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI has admitted that he erred in reporting to investigators that he did not attend a 1980 meeting on the status of a priest accused of abuse. The former Pontiff said that his mistake, in a lengthy written document, was due to an editing error.
At the meeting in question, archdiocesan officials agreed to provide housing for an accused priest from another diocese, who was to be in Munich for therapy. During that meeting, however, the former Pope says—and archdiocesan officials confirm—there was no discussion of giving that priest a parish assignment.
The former Pope apologized for the inaccuracy in his report. But Archbishop Georg Ganswein, acting as his spokesman, emphasized that the report was “objectively correct” in saying that the former Pope had no knowledge of a pastoral assignment for the priest in question.
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