Cardinal Cupich threatens action against priest who protested liturgical restrictions
January 18, 2022
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CWN Editor's Note: A Chicago priest who questioned restrictions on the traditional liturgy has taken down a letter of protest that he posted on his parish web site, after having been warned that his statement could be seen as grounds for disciplinary action.
Father Anthony Bus of St. Stanislaus Kostka had written that although he would comply with liturgical directives issued by Cardinal Cupich, “the archbishop does not provide evidence that ad orientem was abrogated at the Second Vatican Council.” He went on to say that “many faithful Catholics have been cruelly demoralized” by the new restrictions on the traditional liturgy.
After being summoned to a meeting with Cardinal Cupich, Father Bus took down his initial protest, and reported that he would take a ten-day retreat. He said that he had been informed his statement “verges on a violation of Canon 1317,” which allows severe penalties for anyone who incites “animosities or hatred” against Church authorities.
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