Catholic World News

Prelates differ on approach to China's 'official' Catholic Church

February 04, 2010

How should loyal Catholics in China approach the "official" Church sanctioned by the Beijing government? Cardinal Joseph Zen has warned against cooperation with the regime; Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone has taken a more conciliatory approach. In the monthly 30 Giorni, an official of the Vatican Secretariat of State explains Cardinal Bertone's attitude.


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  • Posted by: Defender - Feb. 06, 2010 8:49 PM ET USA

    China has not really changed since the time of Pius XII, they are merely a little more "nuanced" in their approach. The good cardinal obviously hasn't been paying attention to how China operates: just look at those who have been picked up without charge and kept incommudicado for at least a year; those not allowed to practice their faith openly; and look how China lies without flinching. Pius called it like it was and his encyclical remains just as valid today.