Catholic World News

Holy See calls for renewed focus on religious freedom in Europe

January 17, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: As a Polish official began his 1-year term as chairman of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, a Vatican diplomat called upon the organization to focus on the defense of religious freedom.

“The Holy See considers its distinctive duty to insist on this freedom, not because of a purely individual interest or lack of interest in other freedoms, but because – as Saint John Paul II said – ‘this right is the litmus test for the respect of all the other human rights,’” said Msgr. Janusz Urbanczyk, who represents the Holy See at organizations based in Vienna.

“In this context, it is our hope that close attention will be devoted to the ever-growing intolerance and discrimination against Christians, Jews, Muslims and members of other religions,” he added.

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