Former Jesuit chaplain to US House defends pro-choice Democrats
January 05, 2022
» Continue to this story on Washington Post
CWN Editor's Note: The Jesuit priest who served for a decade as chaplain to the US House of Representatives defended Catholic politicians who take the “pro-choice” position in an interview with the Washington Post.
Father Pat Conroy, who was chaplain from 2011 to 2021, said: “A good Catholic in our system could be saying: ‘Given women in our system have this constitutional right, our task as fellow Christians, or as Catholics, is to make it possible for her to optimize her ability to make the choice.” He concluded that “a pro-choice Democrat isn’t a pro-abortion person.”
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Posted by: jalsardl5053 -
Jan. 07, 2022 6:45 PM ET USA
The very brief note here barely begins to indicate the number and degree of asininities spoken by this member of the pope's men. Grab an airline barf bag if you decide to read the WaPo article.
Posted by: jalsardl5053 -
Jan. 07, 2022 6:18 PM ET USA
Ah! Spoken just like a member of the pope's men should speak!
Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Jan. 05, 2022 7:16 PM ET USA
Constitutional right? If human rights proceed from the Transcendent, then man cannot tinker with or eliminate them. The U.S. Declaration of Independence makes the U.S. Bill of Rights comprehensible: government cannot deny rights that it did not create. The Declaration is to the Constitution what the Apostolic Tradition is to the Church: a guide and an illumination of what is from God and what is from man. The potential or actual murder of innocent born or unborn children is no right from God.
Posted by: miketimmer499385 -
Jan. 05, 2022 12:22 PM ET USA
Stunning. Just when you think you've heard every bit of Jesuit nonsense, then comes one more invalid propounding that we should indeed "lead us into temptation." Absolutely breathtaking.