Catholic World News

Ethiopian government is engaged in an ‘ethnic cleansing war’ in Tigray, bishop says

December 03, 2021

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CWN Editor's Note: Ethiopian and Eritrean troops are fighting against a rebel coalition (the United Front of Ethiopian Federalist and Confederalist Forces) in the Tigray War, which began in November 2020.

“Like all Tigrayans, the Catholic Church has been seriously affected by this genocidal war waged against us by the local army and by foreign armies,” said Bishop Tesfaselassie Medhin of Adigrat. “Physical, psychological and spiritual attacks on our laity, priests, nuns and on our structures, places of worship, parish residences, schools, health centers, offices.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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