Catholic World News

Jesuit university’s basketball coach reiterates support for abortion, stem-cell research

January 29, 2010

Two years after receiving a public rebuke from Archbishop Raymond Burke, the basketball coach at a Jesuit university has reiterated his support for legalized abortion and the destruction of human embryos. “It's a great world out there and you should participate in it," said Rick Majerus of St. Louis University. “That's what the essence of Jesuit education is.”


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  • Posted by: dover beachcomber - Jan. 30, 2010 1:10 PM ET USA

    Ah, so THAT's the essence of Jesuit education! One has to admit that, as an hypothesis, it certainly explains a great deal of the news coming from Jesuit institutions.

  • Posted by: aclune9083 - Jan. 30, 2010 10:11 AM ET USA

    When Majerus asserts that he is free to "do whatever I wanted in America and be whoever I wanted to be and advocate for it", he displays his ignorance of the difference between licence and liberty. His characterization of the "essence of Jesuit education" is in error. He has been warned previously; his Jesuit superiors should now assert their responsibility to their students and the wider Catholic faith and remove Majerus for grave error and unrepentant rejection of Church teachings.