Catholic World News

Pope issues tough new rules against Vatican financial corruption

April 29, 2021

In a new bid to address persistent concerns about financial improprieties, Pope Francis has issued a motu proprio that sets tough standards for all Vatican officials.

The new policies, made public April 29, require all Vatican officials who exercises “administrative or control and supervisory functions” to certify that they:

  • have not been convicted of, or pardoned for, criminal activity;
  • are not involved in criminal investigations or civil lawsuits;
  • do not hold property in institutions or “jurisdictions with a high risk of money laundering or terrorist financing”
  • have no property that was obtained by illegal activity
  • do not have any position in “companies or firms operating for purposes and in sectors contrary to the social doctrine of the Church.”

More importantly, the papal document stipulates that Vatican employees may not accept gifts of a value greater than €40 ($48) “for themselves or for persons other than the institution in which they work.” This policy, if enforced, would break a longstanding practice in which ranking Vatican officials receive large cash gifts from people doing business with their offices.


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