Catholic World News

Ban children and young people from extraordinary form of the Mass, Jesuit writer urges

April 15, 2021

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CWN Editor's Note: Father Thomas Reese, SJ, is former editor of America magazine; President Obama appointed him to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Father Reese also called for “more and better Eucharistic prayers.” and said that bishops’ conferences should examine whether deacons and laity may hear confessions and anoint the sick.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Apr. 15, 2021 10:35 PM ET USA

    Doggonit if I'm not feeling ever so warm and fuzzy after reading the cited article. To comment on the blatant vacuity of the proposals presented would require a book. I thought the hippie age ended decades ago. But here in this holdover from Nowheresville we encounter anew the dictatorship of leftism, relativism, and modernism. The good father proposes that we shut down one of the most vigorous movements in the Church today and that we follow the Chinese in banning the young from the Mass.