Catholic World News

Cardinal Cupich criticizes bishops who question Johnson & Johnson vaccine

March 11, 2021

» Continue to this story on ABC7 Chicago

CWN Editor's Note: Following the US bishops’ March 2 statement on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine—and ensuing statements from individual bishops—the Archbishop of Chicago said, “No one has to choose, all vaccines are morally acceptable. I don’t know the reasons they said what they said, we have to speak with clarity.” In January, Cardinal Cupich criticized the Inauguration Day statement issued by Archbishop José Gomez, president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: wenner1687 - Mar. 12, 2021 8:51 PM ET USA

    That Pope Francis favours Cupich is an indictment of both of them.