Catholic World News

‘Merciful priests and not torturers’: video released for March papal prayer intention

March 03, 2021

» Continue to this story on The Pope Video

CWN Editor's Note: The Pope’s March prayer intention is “that we may experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God.” In the video, Pope Francis comments, “When I go to confession, it is in order to be healed, to heal my soul. To leave with greater spiritual health. To pass from misery to mercy. The center of Confession is not the sins we declare, but the divine love we receive, of which we are always in need. The center of Confession is Jesus who waits for us, who listens to us and forgives us. . . . And let us pray that God may give his Church merciful priests and not torturers.”

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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Mar. 04, 2021 12:11 PM ET USA

    I have met pious, respectful, holy, and helpful priests by way of the confessional, even weird and amusement-inducing priests, but I have never run across a torturer priest. Pope Francis must hang out in very different Catholic circles than I do. Of course, I am a shut-in. My travels have been limited to North America, Europe, and Africa.