Catholic World News

Honduran cardinal defends nation's government against 'coup' claims

November 16, 2009

In a conversation with the Wall Street Journal, Honduran Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga has repeated and explained the stand taken by that country's Catholic bishops, supporting the ouster of former President Zelaya and resisting international pressure (led by the Obama administration) for Zelaya's return to office.

The unseating of Zelaya was "a constitutional removal of the president," the cardinal said. While it did cause a political crisis in Honduras, the process was conducted legally, he said, and the bishops were "calling for the reconciliation of the country" after Zelaya's departure.

Because they did not join in the calls for Zelaya's return to power, Cardinal Rodriguez said, the Honduran bishops have been denounced as golpistas-- supporters of a coup. The cardinal, who has been an outspoken supporter of the poor against the power elite-- indicated that he resents that characterization. Despite "constant death threats" he will not change his views, he said.


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  • Posted by: unum - Nov. 16, 2009 7:43 PM ET USA

    Cardinal Rodriguez is one of the few heroes in this sorry episode, where the socialist nations of the Western Hemisphere, including the U.S., plotted to turn dispute that was handled locally into a socialist takeover of a democratic country. The U.S. truly has become an imperialist nation under the Obama administration.