Catholic World News

Virginia Episcopalians cancel plan for bishop’s consecration in Catholic church

January 17, 2020

» Continue to this story on Richmond diocese

CWN Editor's Note: The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia has decided not to hold the ordination of a female bishop at a Catholic church. Because of concerns raised by Catholics in the diocese, Episcopalian leaders announced that they would find another venue for the ceremony. Catholic Bishop Barry Knestout of Richmond, who had approved the plan for the Episcopalian ordination, accepted the change “with great sadness.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: [email protected] - Jan. 17, 2020 10:24 PM ET USA

    This is Bishop should be removed. He used very poor judgment to support an Episcopalian group that is anti-catholic in that they ordain females to be bishops and fully support the LGBTQ agenda of same sex unions and homosexual behavior. To say the invitation was for ecumenical purposes assumes we are stupid. This Bishop has a leftist agenda but fortunately there were enough Catholics in the diocese to object. God bless them. This Bishop should beware of misleading his flock. St. Michael help us.