Study: Recent religious vocations value fidelity, prayer, habit, are more culturally diverse
August 11, 2009
A landmark study on vocations to religious institutes in the United States since 1993 has found that recent vocations are both more culturally diverse and characterized by common values, including fidelity to the Magisterium. The study, conducted by the Center for the Applied Research in the Apostolate for the National Religious Vocation Conference, found that although 94% of “finally-professed” religious are white, recent vocations are 21% Hispanic, 14% Asian or Pacific Islander, and 6% African or African American.
The 406-page study also found that
[t]he most successful institutes in terms of attracting and retaining new members at this time are those that follow a more traditional style of religious life in which members live together in community and participate in daily Eucharist, pray the Divine Office, and engage in devotional practices together. They also wear a religious habit, work together in common apostolates, and are explicit about their fidelity to the Church and the teachings of the Magisterium. All of these characteristics are especially attractive to the young people who are entering religious life today.
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Further information:
- Landmark Study on U.S. Catholic Vocations Reveals Dramatic Changes (National Religious Vocation Conference)
- Study results (National Religious Vocation Conference)
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