Catholic World News

Cardinal Sarah: Vatican still must approve liturgical translations

October 13, 2017

Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, writes in the French journal L’Homme Nouveau that new liturgical translations still require Vatican approval.

The new document Magnum Principium, issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship earlier this month, gives greater responsibility to national bishops’ conferences, Cardinal Sarah acknowledges. But he notes that the Vatican retains the authority to give final approval to a new translation.

Cardinal Sarah also observes that Magnum Principium affirms the continued importance of Vatican guidelines for translations, most notably the 2001 instruction Liturgiam Authenticam. That document directs translators to aim for close fidelity to the language of the Latin original in liturgical texts.

Magnum Principium, in which Pope Francis amended canon law to give greater scope to episcopal conferences, was issued October 1. The document was issued along with an explanatory note signed by Archbishop Arthur Roche, the secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, rather than Cardinal Sarah.


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