Catholic World News

Vatican forms international group to fight corruption, organized crime

August 02, 2017

The Vatican’s dicastery for Integral Human Development has formed an international group to fight against corruption and organized crime.

The new initiative, which will be launched in September, is the result of a conference held by the Vatican dicastery in June, under the leadership of Cardinal Peter Kodwo Turkson. An announcement of the group’s plans was released on August 2. (The announcement did not include a listing of the members of the group.)

“The consultation group will not just come up with virtuous exhortations, because concrete gestures are needed,” the announcement said. It envisioned an international network raising public awareness of the consequences of corruption. “The Church in the world is in itself a network,” the announcement noted.

One specific intiative suggested in the announcement was a discussion of “the excommunication of the Mafia and other similar criminal organizations.” The announcement also mentioned the possibility of excommunication as a penalty for corruption.

The main focus of the consultation group will be “a revival of consciences,” the Vatican announcement said.


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  • Posted by: [email protected] - Aug. 03, 2017 9:33 PM ET USA

    Maybe they also need to look internally.

  • Posted by: unum - Aug. 03, 2017 8:56 AM ET USA

    Once again, the Vatican focuses on action by the clergy instead of energizing the people of God to use their talents in His service. Did God only gift the clergy with talents? Did God create the people of God without talents and the gift of His Grace?