Catholic World News

Report: persecution of Christians in China rose in 2016

March 31, 2017

As it pursued a policy of “Sinicization” of churches, the Chinese government’s persecution of Christians increased in 2016, according to a report recently published by the China Aid Association.

The report found that the number of Christians detained rose from at least 19,426 in 2015 to at least 48,100 in 2016. In addition, “there were 278 abuse cases, including physical, verbal, mental abuse and torture—42.6% more than in 2015.”


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Mar. 31, 2017 8:52 AM ET USA

    And Cardinal Turkson makes the claim that the U.S. should follow China in its moral leadership. Given that the left thinks global warming the top moral issue of our time, if China "leads" in slowing itself down as the worst air polluter on the planet, it is showing the kind of moral leadership all countries should follow. As Christians become defiant in the face of sexual immorality and identity, and in the face of denial of personhood to the least among us, we will need a homeland of our own.