Catholic World News

Posters criticizing Pope appear on streets of Rome

February 06, 2017

Posters criticizing Pope Francis appeared on the streets of Rome on Saturday, February 4.

The posters featured a photo of the Pontiff wearing a grim face, and asking, “Where’s your mercy?”

Evidently prepared by conservative critics of the Pope, the posters referred to the Vatican intervention in the Knights of Malta, the abrupt dismissal of priests in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the Pope’s refusal to answer the dubia about Amoris Laetitia. The full text of the poster read:

Oh, Francis, you have taken over congregations, removed priests, decapitated the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of the Immaculate, ignored cardinals... but where is your mercy?

Most of the posters were soon removed by city officials, or covered with other posters noting that they had been posted illegally.


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