Catholic World News

Dutch doctor cleared of charges after restraining patient for euthanasia

January 31, 2017

A Dutch doctor has been cleared of charges after an incident in which the doctor directed family members to hold down a “euthanasia” patient who was struggling to stop the administration of a fatal injection.

“I am convinced that the doctor acted in good faith,” said the head of a committee that reviewed the case. The committee’s report did acknowledge the need for “more clarity on how such cases are handled in the future.”

Doctor-assisted suicide is legal in the Netherlands, and the case involves an elderly woman with Alzheimer’s disease, who had signed authorization for a doctor to end her life “at the right time.” But when her family determined that the time had come, the woman fought against the doctor in a vain attempt to preserve her life.


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  • Posted by: bernie4871 - Feb. 01, 2017 12:14 PM ET USA

    Lord of the World - R.H Benson - foresaw it 115 years ago. Just wait till the elderly don't have anyone to take care of them as the population grows older and older with fewer and fewer children. A shot in the arm will be routine. In Japan, the average age of the caregivers is now 70. They are just about 50 years ahead of us - maybe less.

  • Posted by: hartwood01 - Jan. 31, 2017 8:57 PM ET USA

    She can't contribute anymore,unfortunately, she is a "taker",and doesn't deserve to live. Not as implausible as we used to believe.