Catholic World News

Pope orders fresh review of liturgical translations

January 27, 2017

Pope Francis has ordered a new review of the principles that guide translations of the liturgy, America magazine has confirmed.

The Pope reportedly formed a commission to review Liturgiam Authenticam, the document issued by the Vatican in 2001 that called for liturgical translations that adhered closely to the Latin of the Roman Missal. That document, which led to a new and more accurate English translation of liturgy, has continued to draw criticism from liturgists who favor a more “creative” interpretation of the language of the Mass.

The Pope’s decision to launch such a review has been widely rumored, but never officially announced. The commission has not yet met, America reports, nor has the list of its members been made public. However, it will be chaired by Archbishop Arthur Roche, the secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship—rather than by that congregation’s prefect, Cardinal Robert Sarah, who is known to favor a more conservative approach.


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  • Posted by: extremeCatholic - Feb. 01, 2017 8:14 AM ET USA

    English had been the strangest of the translations of MR: "and also with you" and "for all" were prominent errors and thankfully corrected in 2011. So new we have the reform of the reform of the reform.

  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Jan. 28, 2017 4:47 PM ET USA

    If the "spirit of Vatican II" is undergoing a resurgence, then I fully expect Catholics to return to the "silos" of the 1990s and early 2000s, to return to being "closed in on themselves," as someone is fond of repeating. The silos of the recent past were not all cylinders of arrogance in which some smugly found themselves better than the rest; rather they were protection mechanisms with the goal of keeping the true faith alive, unstained, and ready to emerge when saner times prevailed.

  • Posted by: bernie4871 - Jan. 28, 2017 11:00 AM ET USA

    I am sick of the nonsense. Latin is our common vernacular language in the "Latin"/"Roman" Rite of the Catholic Church, and "For many" is what Our Lord said (Matt XXVI, 28), not 'for all', as they tried to impose the last time around. "For all', they want to assert, includes the 'divorced and remarried'. There seems to be no end to the chicanery. It is the Devil's brew. Orthodox Catholics are suffering. They're just rearranging the seats while the Titanic sinks. "Creative" = lies.

  • Posted by: TheJournalist64 - Jan. 28, 2017 10:29 AM ET USA

    Those of us who saw and critiqued the second wave of translations that were going to be foisted to us in the nineties also saw how BAD such things can get. They were full of semi-Arian and semi-Nestorian language. With our research (from Credo--thank you Fr. Pokorsky) a handful of American bishops were able to get the Congregation to scrap the junk and restructure ICEL. What we have now is the result. God help us if we go back.

  • Posted by: brenda22890 - Jan. 28, 2017 7:04 AM ET USA

    I'm more and more wary of this Pope and the schism he appears to want.

  • Posted by: jalsardl5053 - Jan. 28, 2017 12:43 AM ET USA

    The selection of chair says it all; the historical basis for the current liturgy says it all; we went through the "creative period", i.e. been there, done that. It is difficult to project a positive outcome for this project given the parameters, uh, pope. This will, undoubtedly, raise his popularity in certain quarters whilst in others he could care less.

  • Posted by: [email protected] - Jan. 27, 2017 9:03 PM ET USA

    This Pope is at it again. We just get a decent English translation but he thinks it should change. Why not put Cardinal Sarah as the head of this review? This Pope is a South American progressive. He is not a leader for all. God protect us.

  • Posted by: ALC - Jan. 27, 2017 5:54 PM ET USA

    How much more damage can this Pope do? We finally got a good English translation, and he's going to turn it back into the garbage that we had, or worse. Holy Spirit, save us!

  • Posted by: 1Jn416 - Jan. 27, 2017 3:36 PM ET USA

    May the good Lord have mercy upon us.