Catholic Culture Dedication
Catholic Culture Dedication
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CatholicVote calls for Trump withdrawal

October 10, 2016

A Catholic political-action group called for Donald Trump to withdraw from the presidential race after the October 8 release of auditape in which the Republic candidate was captured boasting of his sexual conquests. characterized Trump’s remarks as “disgusting and simply indefensible,” and said that “the viability of Donald Trump’s candidacy is now in question.” The mudslinging that will inevitably result in the persidential contest “improverishes us all,” the group said.

CatholicVote, which has strongly supported pro-life candidates for public office, questioned whether Christians who have supported Trump can still realistically back his candidacy. “Furthermore, the good many hoped to achieve, in spite of Trump’s many well-known flaws, is also now in doubt.”


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  • Posted by: Cincinnatus - Oct. 15, 2016 3:15 AM ET USA

    This group is just another political action committee, but one that is trying to identify its right wing leanings with cloak right wing leanings with Catholicism. No one minds that your general approach is right of center, but in fairness you should make clear that this group has no official Church standing. Or else give equal coverage the various left of center groups that tack the word Catholic on their names.

  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Oct. 14, 2016 9:04 PM ET USA

    Maybe I am a bad Catholic. I just watched the lewd Trump video and couldn't stop laughing. If anybody thinks he is serious on that bus, they just don't know men. If you set every dirty sentence one next to another, you might come up with 30 seconds out of a typical workday at USMC MCRD-San Diego in 1972. Heck, I was exposed to much worse language than that during a beating I took for complaining about a training exercise. When Trump actually met the woman, he was a perfect gentleman. Much ado...

  • Posted by: feedback - Oct. 11, 2016 11:23 PM ET USA

    At this point of campaign, the choice is only between Clinton and Trump. Withdrawing support for Trump practically means giving it to Clinton who has for a Catholic voter much more disqualifying past record than Donald Trump. Personally, I was impressed with Trump when in 2009 he alone very bravely and sincerely defended Miss California Carrie Prejean against the homosexual lobby and main stream media when she was spitefully attacked for voicing her support for marriage between man and a woman.

  • Posted by: [email protected] - Oct. 10, 2016 11:37 PM ET USA

    What a bunch of self righteous numskulls. What do they think goes on in their sons locker rooms. Think what a Hillary Clinton will do and say about the Catholic faith. Her "foundation " pushes abortion wherever it goes. Is that what they want? No one said Trump was a saint but that sure is better than the devil Clinton who is so filled with hate she tries to destroy any woman that her husband abuses or rapes. He is still at it.

  • Posted by: koinonia - Oct. 10, 2016 1:58 PM ET USA

    Trump needs no defense nor might any be offered. The reality is that this election is proving more about us as a nation than anything else. Our political interventions are futile without comprehensive conversion. The Clintons are a clinic in degradation of women and the culture of death, but we look to make Trump the scapegoat. The fact is that he is no angel, nor has he ever professed to be. But he's far ahead of others inasmuch as he recognizes virtue and knows how far he is from it.

  • Posted by: loumiamo - Oct. 10, 2016 1:37 PM ET USA

    As Catholics and Christians, regardless of our political leanings, we should at the very least be able to agree on one thing: there is no such person as a sinless political candidate. So the question becomes, is what Trump said truly as bad as all the crimes FBI Director Comey listed as having been committed by Clinton? For the sake of our country I pray people can find a way to admit that the answer is No.

  • Posted by: ElizabethD - Oct. 10, 2016 12:15 PM ET USA

    As a CatholicVote supporter, I am proud of this organization taking this stand. They had actively dialogued with the Trump campaign and cautiously praised Trump about several specific issue positions in emails I received from them, which had suggested that they were leaning toward cautiously supporting his candidacy. But Catholics harm their own cause by defending Trump about this or even defending how he has acted in the fallout, with his thin apology, excuses, and blitz of counter-accusations.

  • Posted by: koinonia - Oct. 10, 2016 11:53 AM ET USA

    2016 is the year of Mercy. And Trump acknowledged his transgression and has apologized. Further, there is no one to replace him at this late hour. We're all "shocked", are we not? We had no idea did we? We don't make millionaires of rap artists do we? Hillary will fight for women? He wants judges like Scalia on the Supreme Court; he admits he is not worthy of the Christian vote. But we must condemn him. And in doing so what do we invite in his stead? Talk about self-righteousness.