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Mass deportation of immigrants would be 'intrinsic evil'—like abortion—Texas bishop argues

July 27, 2016

Bishop Daniel Flores of Brownsville, Texas, has argued that American Catholics must not support the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, saying that the policy-- proposed by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump-- would be morally unjustifiable.

In an interview with the Crux news site, Bishop Flores charged that both Democratic and Republican parties support policies that should be unacceptable to Catholic votes: the Democrats with their support for legal abortion, the Republicans with their calls for deportation of immigrants. 

Responding to the argument that the immigration crisis allows for a variety of different possible solutions, Bishop Flores said that the argument is no longer valid. He explained:

This year, there is a proposal on the table to proceed with mass deportations of undocumented men, women and children. One cannot in conscience countenance a program of mass deportation. It is a brutal proposal. In some instances, particularly dealing with the Central American mothers and children, and deportations into some parts of Mexico, we are dealing with placing them in proximate danger of death. I consider supporting the sending of an adult or child back to a place where he or she is marked for death, where there is lawlessness and societal collapse, to be formal cooperation with an intrinsic evil. Not unlike driving someone to an abortion clinic.


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  • Posted by: JimKcda - Jul. 28, 2016 7:16 PM ET USA

    "...on the table.." Is the key here. Sounds like "sensitivity training." Who shall we throw out of the lifeboat? This same Bishop probably tells us to obey the law and pay our taxes even though those taxes are then sent to Planned Parenthood. The likelihood that Trump would or could deport 11 million people is very remote. Currently 1 million abortions are actually happening each year! This must stop! No matter how much you dislike Trump, we must vote against the Democrats this time around.

  • Posted by: FredC - Jul. 28, 2016 2:19 PM ET USA

    Mass deportation does not necessarily mean that every person would be deported. The bishop does not invoke any principles by which people here illegally should be permitted to stay nor does he apply any principles for those wanting to come to the U.S. illegally. Should the U.S. open its doors to everyone in danger of death, including those in Africa and the Middle East?

  • Posted by: garedawg - Jul. 28, 2016 10:48 AM ET USA

    "I consider supporting the sending of an adult or child back to a place where he or she is marked for death, where there is lawlessness and societal collapse, to be formal cooperation with an intrinsic evil. Not unlike driving someone to an abortion clinic." Sound reasonable to me!

  • Posted by: unum - Jul. 28, 2016 10:09 AM ET USA

    It sounds like the bishop is mixing his religion and politics. That's not a good combination for someone who is supposed to "teach as Jesus did"!

  • Posted by: JDeFauw - Jul. 27, 2016 10:20 PM ET USA

    I know we're accustomed to bishops over reaching when they speak out on immigration. In this case, Bishop Flores is speaking out against an extreme, draconian, inhumane proposal put forward by Donald Trump to indiscriminately deport 11 million illegal immigration. I would not be too quick to dismiss what he is saying.

  • Posted by: mclom - Jul. 27, 2016 6:13 PM ET USA

    Interesting comparison. What if the undocumented migrants are criminals?

  • Posted by: phineas - Jul. 27, 2016 5:48 PM ET USA

    So this bishop gets to define "intrinsic evil"? Subsidiarity in action. The new synodal church will let a thousand catechisms bloom. And Senator Kaine opposes the Hyde Amendment, but he also opposes Trump's plan for restricting immigration. Canon 915? A mere dead stone to throw.