Boston's Mayor Walsh rejects 'personally pro-life' label
February 26, 2016
Boston's Mayor Martin Walsh has apologized for referring to himself as "personally pro-life," and said that he would never use that term in the future.
Walsh, who is Catholic, spoke to the Boston Globe after receiving an award from NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts. He acknowledged that in the past he has described himself as "personally pro-life," but said: "I don't even know where I came up with that."
When reminded that other Catholic politicians have said that they are "personally pro-life" while defending unrestricted abortion, Walsh responded: "Yeah, but I think you can get criticized for that statement today.... Things change over time. I think there's [sic] clear lines today."
Leaving no doubt about his stand, Walsh said that in the future: "I would just say I'm a pro-choice candidate. I'm a pro-choice mayor, I was a pro-choice legislator."
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Posted by: loumiamo -
Feb. 27, 2016 12:30 PM ET USA
Interesting that so far there's been no warning from the Boston Diocese that Mayor Walsh's fence straddling on abortion is "sending a profoundly mixed message" to the community, when just a few miles west of there in Yakima, staunchly anti abortion Catholic Laura Ingraham is treated like a heretic by the Yakima Diocese. Would we call this a good example of the Church's oneness?
Posted by: jalsardl5053 -
Feb. 27, 2016 1:31 AM ET USA
Wow! What a cheap buy! I wonder if $10 would trump the award. Yeah, things change when you're called.
Posted by: jplaunder1846 -
Feb. 26, 2016 9:04 PM ET USA
Another so called "catholic" pollie who has sold out his principles for his own political gain.
Posted by: bernie4871 -
Feb. 26, 2016 6:06 PM ET USA
Isn't this interesting. At least he seems to be trying to be honest and in no way ambiguous. Now lets hope NARAL give more awards, maybe even to a few Bishops who wont follow Canon Law.
Posted by: presbergc3900 -
Feb. 26, 2016 5:59 PM ET USA
Good to see some honesty here. Some. Now, to be more honest, the mayor can acknowledge that he has always favored slaughtering innocent children, despite his preumptive Catholicism, for reasons of political expediency.