Canadian prelate urges Synod to allow for female deacons
October 06, 2015
A Canadian archbishop took the discussions of the Synod of Bishops in a new direction on October 6, suggesting that women should be ordained as deacons.
Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher of Gatineau, Quebec, spoke on the importance of increasing the decision-making roles of women in the Church. He told the Catholic News Service that he had proposed the ordination of women to the diaconate. Although women cannot be ordained as priests, he said, "the diaconate in the Church's tradition has been defined as not being ordered toward priesthood but toward ministry."
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Posted by: ElizabethD -
Oct. 07, 2015 12:00 AM ET USA
This is the most outrageous thing to insert into the Synod on the Family and CNS should be ashamed for promoting this bishop's interventions as much as they have been doing today. The Sacrament of Holy Orders is a unity, reasonable people agree that women cannot be ordained sacramentally to any degree. The idea that women need to be clericalized to have dignity or significance is offensive.
Posted by: lauriem5377 -
Oct. 06, 2015 10:52 PM ET USA
Are female terminal deacons an important move for the Church or a slippery slope?
Posted by: Mike in Toronto -
Oct. 06, 2015 7:29 PM ET USA
As a Canadian, I am deeply embarrassed by this intervention by the Archbishop of Gatineau. The diaconate is part of the sacrament of Holy Orders, for heaven's sake! What on earth is he thinking?